What is Advent?

Advent is the season of the year leading up to the celebration of Christ and His birth. The word advent itself means “arrival” or “an appearing or coming into place.”  As followers of Jesus we celebrate the “first advent” or the Incarnation of the Christ-child in December. 

The Advent season lasts for four Sundays and begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. In anticipation of our celebration of the Christ-child, we have created a guide to help you explore the signs that God gave people before the Messiah was born.

2019 Family Advent Guide

Use this four week Advent guide to help you discover the truth of Scripture and help sow the seeds of God's Word deep in your hearts. This guide is an easy to use tool that will help you and your family discover Scripture, ask great guiding questions, and there's even an ornament activity guide attached as well. 

Prayerfully consider how you can best use this guide as your celebrate the Advent Season and prepare yourself for the 'Greatest Gift Ever Given', the Christ-child who came to seek and save that which was lost, and to take away the sins of the world.