Church can be an intimidating place to visit — especially if you don’t know what to expect. However, we want to help you explore Stonepoint Church, so that you and your family can plan your upcoming visit. We hope that through visiting our website, you will have a better
idea of what to expect.
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Easter at Stonepoint Church
Easter weekend is the most celebrated Sunday for Christ followers around the world. It is a day in which we celebrated the resurrection of the messiah, Jesus Christ.
Each year, we use Easter weekend as a means to celebrate with our families and friends because of the hope and joy we have in the perfect Lamb of God. who conquered sin, and rose victoriously on the the third day. We look forward to celebrating with you this coming Easter weekend and you find the schedule of services and events below, as well as reserve your seats for services this year.
40 Days Of Prayer & Fasting
Corporately, we are fasting together for forty days to seek the Lord’s desires for our lives, our families, and our faith community. During this time, you are encouraged to draw near to God in intercession for your loved ones, your friends, our church, our pastors, the communities in which we live, our nation, the world, and our own personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Though prayer and fasting can be challenging, we are providing you a guide to help you grow closer to God in a variety of areas as we approach Easter together.
9AM & 10:45AM
9AM & 10:45AM
Recommended Resources
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You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 2:5